Thursday, June 30, 2016

The Brexit

"Freedom is the right to tell people what they do not want to hear"
-George Orwell
Welcome to The Golden Sense! Below is a article and podcast featuring English investor Tim Price.
-Britain’s referendum on whether or not to stay part of the European Union was marred by some of the most blatant propaganda we’ve seen in the West in a very, very long time.
But… at the end of the day, the British government at least accurately counted the votes. No shenanigans.
“Leave” prevailed. So the UK will officially be leaving the European Union.
This has led to some unprecedented moves in the financial markets.
The pound is at its cheapest level in decades. High quality British companies are now trading for extraordinary discounts.
Investors are panic-selling because they don’t know what’s going to happen next.
Britain has been part of the EU for four decades, and now that’s coming to an end.
Nothing scares people more than their fear of the unknown.
In fact, for decades, the political, media, and financial establishments have been pushing people along a very clear path that they wanted us to follow.
Elections always represented the illusion of choice between establishment candidates and their establishment policies.
This referendum, just like the surge of candidates like Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, constitute a major revolt.
Simply put, this wasn’t part of the plan. So the system is in complete panic.

Check out the Podcast between Simon Black and Tim Price on the Brexit.

Over and Out



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