Monday, November 21, 2011

The world of Golden Sense

"Ideas shape the course of history"
John Maynard Keynes

It turned out Keynes had many ideas, unfortunately, some of them turned out to be bad ones.

It is November and The Golden Sense is celebrating its first anniversary! I have had a tremendous amount of fun spinning my wheels writing about personal finance, world economics and psychology. I have received a huge amount of interest and support. The original vision of The Golden Sense was to get my generation of young Americans interested and queued in on personal finance and the world around them. My vision remains the same for the future.

I have noticed The Golden Sense has not only been followed by my peers but from people of all ages. I have to say the conversation of money and the world we live in should be interesting no matter how old you are.

 The Golden Sense is free and I intend for it to stay that way for the time being. My marketing capacity is limited. Most readers hear about it through word of mouth. I don't expect everyone to agree with the idea's that are presented, but the purpose of each post is to spark one's thinking and make them consider their own financial situation in the world they live in.

The Golden Sense is about logic, research, and ideas. The goal is to bring this to forefront of every reader's life.

I recently wrote a paper for a banking professor. I felt the professor was very much "by the book" and engulfed with status quo. Her trust in the status quo surprised me. So I decided to submit the following paper and hopefully make her reconsider:

Title: Fiat Money
By: Todd Norman

(please keep in mind that this is a Masters Degree level paper intended for a college professor.)

There have been many different types of monetary systems throughout history. The payment system has been evolving over centuries and with it the form of money. Throughout history people and nations have used the barter system, commodity money, fully backed paper money, and now a non backed fiat money system. At this point, none of them could be labeled as perfect. In the present day world of 2011 non backed fiat money systems are widely used. This paper will focus on the fiat money standard and its three major flaws. The United States, Japan, Europe, and China all use a non backed fiat money system. Most lead economists for central banks see the system as a necessity and would gaff at returning or changing the way in which money is issued. However, there is growing number of economists who are now looking at the very issuance of our money as our fundamental problem. Fiat money is a paper currency issued by Governments as legal tender and is not convertible into coins or precious metal. Governments issue laws that require this fiat money to be accepted as payments for debts.  The only thing that gives the money value is its relative scarcity and the faith placed in it by the people that use it. The United States used to be on a monetary standard where all notes were redeemable in gold and silver. However, in August of 1971 President Nixon ended the international gold standard and for the first time no currency in the world had a gold backing. The U.S. has been on this fiat standard for the last 40 years. This was not the first time the fiat standard was used. Fiat money has been tried and tested in the past and in all cases failed as a lasting currency. The current system has had troubles and the weakness in fiat currency has reared its head once again. The three major problems that a fiat money standard has are the lack of political and fiscal responsibility, currency devaluation, and the prominence of booms and busts.

Political and Fiscal Responsibility
            The very nature of political and fiscal responsibility lies within human action. On a fiat money system the issuance of credit can be created at any time. Since fiat money has no backing except for the full faith and credit of those who issue it, there is always the problem in regards to the respectability and responsibility of those who are controlling the money supply. There is an old saying that “all power corrupts”. Politicians and central bankers have the ability to issue credit or expand the money supply whenever a “problem” arises. This power is eventually misused due to human nature.
            The Federal Reserve issues the currency in our country known as the U.S. Dollar. Although national monetary events may appear mysterious and chaotic, they are governed by well established rules which bankers and politicians rigidly follow. The central fact to understanding these events is that all the money in the banking system has been created through the process of making loans (Griffin). The problem or misuse arises when Governments overspend. In the United States’ case they overspend and seek loans from the Federal Open Market Committee. There are other times when Federal Reserve or the central bank is politically forced into acting as the lender of last resort. The following are a few examples of when politicians and Federal Reserve have acted as the lender of last resort.
In 1970 Penn Central railroad became bankrupt. The Federal Reserve bailed them out through the use of Government subsidies and bank loans. Congress was told that the collapse of Penn Central would be devastating to the public interest. So congress acted and a $125 million bailout was complete. Penn Central eventually became AMTRAK and continues today to operate at a loss. In 1972 the Commonwealth Bank of Detroit was given a $1.5 billion dollar bailout due to bad lending practices. It was said that it was in the interest of the public that the bank should be supported. In 1975 New York City essentially became bankrupt due to its extravagant bureaucracy and miniature welfare state. Congress was told that the public would be jeopardized if city services were curtailed. A $2.3 billion bailout arranged through the help of politicians and the Federal Reserve. In 1978 Chrysler was on the verge of bankruptcy. Congress was informed that the public would suffer greatly if the company folded. A $1.5 billion bailout was made available. In 1979 First Pennsylvania Bank almost failed. A $1 billion line of credit and hundreds of millions of dollars were created to save this bank. In 1982 Chicago Continental Illinois became insolvent. $4.5 billion in bad loans were covered up. The bank essentially became nationalized (Griffin).
All of the bailouts of previous years are pale by the comparison to the trillions of dollars pumped into the banks in 2008 in response to the subprime meltdown. Lehman Brothers was allowed to fail along with thousands of mom and pop stores throughout the U.S. Yet the Troubled Asset Relief Program ensued and in other instances AIG, Goldman Sachs, and General Motors got propped up with the issuance of credit and support from politicians and Federal Reserve. These moves may have seemed necessary, however the competitors to these bailed out companies would say otherwise. This use of expanding large amounts of credit could only be made possible on a fiat money standard. Under other monetary standards such as the price pegged gold standard, the issuance of credit could not have gone this far. Under the fiat standard lending practices and unrestrained use of credit allows corruptions, favorites, and over leveraged companies to seek solace in the arms of U.S. Government and Federal Reserve.
The fiat standard has always been the choice the monetary standard during times of war. Politician want a fiat standard so they can use the excessive creation of money to wage war and use it for Government purposes. During the early 20th century Governments went to fiat standard in order to wage war. "The first thing that happened in the financial sphere upon the outbreak of the World War I was that the existing gold standard was abandoned— not only in the belligerent countries but also in the majority of neutral states. Upon the entrance of the United States into the War, corresponding steps were taken in that country" (Preston). Besides the obvious problems that war brings about, the biggest problem from a monetary standpoint is the devaluation of the currency when the money supply is increased. This essentially causes a problem for creditors. There is a great example during the World War time period in Europe. “The greatest burden of devaluation has fallen upon War and pre-war creditors. Pre-war internal debts were reduced approximately four-fifths at the expense of the creditors. This was especially significant in France because the French people have long been noted as a nation of savers. The net amount of French foreign investments was estimated at approximately 38 billion Francs at the outbreak of the War. Her public debt was over 34 billion Francs in 1914; by December 31, 1918, it was 124 billion” (Preston). By moving to a fiat money standard politicians can easily wage war without restraint and put the expense on the creditors through the process of devaluation.  Whether the Government is fighting communism, a dictator, or spreading “democracy” throughout the world, being on a fiat money standard makes a war that was once financially impossible now seem possible.
Fiat money is a problem because it is political money. The problem exists by the way the money makes its way through the economy. When the Government inflates the money supply, the new money does not reach everyone proportionately or at the same time. It enters the economy at discrete points. “The earliest recipients of the new money include politically favored constituencies of one kind or another: banks, for example, or firms with government contracts- in other words wherever the government spends money. These privileged parties receive the new money before inflation has pushed prices higher. In effect, the economy doesn’t yet know how much the money supply has increased, and prices have not yet adjusted accordingly. By the time the new money makes its way through the whole economy, prices will have risen throughout practically all sectors. But while this process is taking place, the privileged firms that are lucky enough to get the new money early benefit from being able to make their purchases at the previously existing price level- thereby silently looting those from whom they buy. When the average person gets his hands on this new money- through higher wages, say, or lower borrowing costs, prices will have already been rising for quite a while, and he has been paying those prices all this time on his existing income” (Woods). The value of his money has gone down by the new money before it has reached him. The fiat standard causes unwanted Government growth, constituencies, and a privileged society because of its ability to inflate the supply.

Currency Devaluation
            Currency devaluation is the loss in purchasing power of a nation’s currency. It is most often subtle and unnoticeable to the average folks. Operating on fiat money standard runs the risk of bad inflation. Currency devaluations occur because of inflation. Inflation is sometimes referred to as the rise in prices. However, inflation is actually the increase in the money supply itself. This in turn leads to higher prices. Under a fiat standard that the world currently uses, inflation can be defined as an increase in the amount of paper money in circulation. If the fiat standard is misused, inflation will devalue the money. In the past, currency devaluation and hyper inflation has caused real hardship on certain economies.
            One of the world’s most devastating inflations took place during the French Revolution of 1790 to 1796. “The Reign of Terror Revolutionaries made it their first order to issue paper money without any gold or silver backing. They issued assignats. One wave of paper money led to the next. Gold and Silver coins disappeared from circulation. The French inflation was accompanied by all the disastrous economic policies imaginable: wage and price controls, currency repudiation, and the wholesale redistribution of wealth and disregard of property rights. Penalties for violating the economic edicts of the government’s central planners were severe, including generous applications of the guillotine” (Goyette). David Dickson White wrote about the extremes the Government went to in order to force fiat money onto the French people. “Anyone who refused to accept a payment in assignats, or accepted assignats at a discount should pay a fine of three thousand Francs.” The people of France wanted their money to be backed by gold. “The only things transmuted in France were prevailing in poverty. From 1790 to 1795 a measure of flour had raised from 2 Francs to 225; a pair of shoes from 5 Francs to 200; a pound of soap had risen 44 times in price; a pound of sugar 70 times. Even so, the wages and rewards of the productive plummeted, while gamblers and speculators profited. In less than 6 years the Revolutionary Government of France had issued 45 billion Francs of paper money. One Franc of gold was worth 600 Francs of paper. And out of the ashes of the economically destroyed France arose the dictator Napoleon and his seventeen years of war, empire, and bankruptcy” (Goyette).
The issuing of fiat money helped lead France to one of it all time worst time periods in history.

            Germany had a horrible bout of hyper inflation as well. World War I ended in 1918. “The ruinous reparations imposed (such as the blockage of food shipments) on Germany under the Treaty of Versailles were initially 269 billion gold marks. That’s about $2.8 trillion at recent gold prices today” (Goyette). The Allies wanted gold while the German people were forced to receive non backed fiat currency. In 1918 at the end of the war there were just over 22 billion marks in existence. By November 1923 there were over 518 quintillion marks in circulation. The price of an egg had gone from a quarter of a mark at the end of the war to 80 billion marks in November 1923. The economy was left in shambles. Out of the ashes of the destroyed German economy and the smoldering resentment of the people arose the National Socialist Workers Party, the Nazis, and the advent of Adolf Hitler (Goyette).

In recent years the same tale of fiat money corruption is alive and well in Zimbabwe. 10 years ago inflation in Zimbabwe ran at about 32%. In 2008 the countries official inflation numbers ran at 231 million percent. Today they are all billionaires who can afford to buy nothing. The country is in complete poverty over run by a cruel government. “Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe’s president, has to keep the money flowing to pay off the militias and the thugs who keep him in office” (Goyette). It shows that the survival of the government trumps the well being of the country’s economy and the well being of its people.
Under the three hyper inflation episodes explained it showed that the Government used a fiat system to take wealth from their own people and use for Governmental purposes. Even our former chairman of Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, once wrote about the dangers of a fiat standard in his book “Gold and Economic Freedom”.
“In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. There is no safe store of value. If there were, the government would have to make its holding illegal, as was done in the case of gold. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.”
Ironically, Alan Greenspan later became chairman of the Federal Reserve and actively increased the money supply under his chairmanship.
The United States operates under the Federal Reserve System. In 1971 the USA converted to a non backed fiat standard. Since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 the U.S. dollar has lost 95% of its value. Any person who saved actual dollars for the last 100 years would be at almost a total loss.

Within the last few years the Federal Reserve has increased its balance sheet significantly. Under their program quantitative easing round two they purchased $600 billion worth of U.S. treasuries. This is essentially an act of expanding the money supply. The effects of rising prices have hit certain sectors. For instance commodity prices have risen substantially in the past three years. Precious metals such as Gold have more than doubled in price since 2008. Even the Governments CPI increased 3.9% in the third quarter of 2011.
 Even though the rest of the world is operating on a fiat standard, the U.S. has increased its money supply significantly in comparison. The U.S. dollar index chart of the past decade shows a declining dollar against six other major currencies. This is a huge loss of purchasing power to the American consumer.

In recent history the United States has used its power to increase the money supply via the Federal Reserve because the powers at be employ a Keynesian method to their central economic planning. The basic Keynesian Formula consists of the following make-up:  C + I + G + XM = Y(GDP).  By using this method they have increased Government spending as well as increased the money supply during times of economic and GDP downturn. The economy however, has not responded in the way many expected. The negative aspects of increasing the money supply such as soaring commodity prices and the uptick in the Governments CPI are taking a toll on the average American.
Many economists today (many with connections to the Federal Reserve) often think as inflation as necessary for economic health. The problem is that inflation can easily get out of control and cause real hardship and the loss of wealth for the average American.

Boom and Bust Cycle

            A fiat monetary standard helps create a boom and bust cycle that is much bigger and destructive than a regular business cycle. Boom and bust cycles are not inevitable and would not occur were it not for the inflationary monetary policies that always precede recessions. Ludwig von Mises and Friedrich Hayek of the Austrian school view recessions as necessary to correct the artificial booms that preceded them. Friedrich Hayek won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1974 for a theory of the business cycle. In light of the 2008 crises which so many economists are at a loss to explain, Hayek’s work finds the root of the boom bust cycle in the central bank. In our case it is the Federal Reserve, the very institution that says they are the protector of the economy and source of relief from the business cycle. Booms and busts are said to be started by the issuance of easy credit and inflation under a fiat monetary system. “Such booms, created by inflation, send false signals the capital markets that there are additional savings in the economy to support higher levels of investment. These higher levels of investment, however, are not authentically funded because there has been no actual increase in savings. Ultimately, when the mistakes are revealed, the malinvestments, as Mises called them, are liquidated, creating a bust. Legitimate economic expansions, financed by actual savings, do not need busts. It is only the inflation induced varieties that sow the seeds of their own destruction” (Schiff). Bad investment can occur at all levels throughout society from individuals to big corporations. “When the currency is not a stable unit of accounting, when the central bank creates credit conditions by monetary manipulation, people and businesses make decisions in ways they otherwise would not” (Goyette).  During the 1990’s Alan Greenspan held interest rates lower than the market would have set them. At times the interest rate hit 3%. At the turn of the century the tech bubble burst. After 9/11 interest rates were held down and at times hit 1%. The money supply expanded. Five years later the housing bubble burst. These bubbles and busts can be seen through the stock market action of the Dow Jones Industrial average. A chart of the Dow dating back to 1974 is below.

“According to the Austrian business cycle theory, the business cycle unfolds in the following way: Low interest rates tend to stimulate borrowing from the banking system. This expansion of credit causes an expansion of the supply of money, through the money creation process in a fractional reserve banking system. This in turn leads to an unsustainable "credit-fuelled boom" during which the "artificially stimulated" borrowing seeks out diminishing investment opportunities.” This boom is sometimes interpreted incorrectly by economists and mistakenly seen as real growth. “This boom results in widespread malinvestments, causing capital resources to be misallocated into areas which would not attract investment if the money supply remained stable. Austrian economists argue that a correction or "credit crunch" – commonly called a "recession" or "bust" – occurs when credit creation cannot be sustained. They claim that the money supply suddenly and sharply contracts when markets finally "clear", causing resources to be reallocated back toward more efficient uses.”
Under a fiat standard it is easy to expand credit at will. Economies tend to overheat because demand is abnormally strong, shifting the demand curve past that kink in the aggregate supply curve. In other words, the equilibrium point has shifted past that point that economists call potential output. When they try to meet this higher level of demand, producers' costs increase sharply. Now, prices are increasing more rapidly than output. It then could head into an inflationary spiral, one of the types known as demand-pull inflation. This type of overheating can be caused because of loose and large expansion of credit and monies.

Today, the United States and the Federal Reserve operate with a loose monetary policy. Credit is made available with low interest rates and borrowing is encouraged while saving is discouraged. Only under a non backed fiat system could such large amounts of credit be issued. As Austrian economics state, booms and busts prevail with this type of economic planning.

            It is clear that fashionable opinion does not want to discuss the very issuance of money in connection with economic crises. Political recklessness, inflation, and booms and busts are often blamed on anything but our monetary standard. Whether it is academics, the media, or our policy makers the discussion of money is often put in a corner. However, questions should be asked. Is the fiat monetary system the best way forward? Is our system really that great when it has caused our dollar to lose 95% of its value? Is it desirable for our government to be able to create out of thin air however much money it needs, thereby enabling it to avoid the more obvious routes of taxation and borrowing and instead taking wealth from the people in a less obvious manner? Could a system that does not allow the Federal Reserve or the government to manipulate the money supply and give rise to booms and busts be more stable than the one we have now? (Woods) These questions are scary and go against popular thinking. The fiat monetary standard is nothing new. It’s been tried throughout history. Each time the standard has led to economic turmoil and ruin. It appears that our nation is heading down the wrong path with our current system. Change would be difficult when there is so much is at stake. As always, no one can say it better than Thomas E. Woods:  “You don’t win friends in the political and media establishments by proposing a monetary system that cannot be exploited by governments to enrich their friends, enable their addiction to spending and looting, and fund their bailouts. But when you ask a question that sends respectable opinion into hysterics, that’s often a sign you’re on the right track.”

The End


Goyette, C. (2009) The Dollar Meltdown. Penguin Group, Inc. New York, NY
Griffin, E. (2008) The Creature from Jekyll Island. American Media. Westlake, CA
Mishkin (2010) Money, Banking & Financial Markets. Pearson Education, Inc. Boston, MA.
Preston, H. (2009) Europe’s Return to the Gold Standard. Harvard Business Review
Schiff, P. (2007) Crash Proof. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.
Woods, T. (2009) Meltdown. Regnery Publishing, Inc. Washington DC.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

As the World Trends

"Everything in the world from what you touch, hear, feel and see eventually heads towards its own intrinsic value."

Welcome to The Golden Sense! October is here and the weather is changing. Not only is the weather changing but so is the world. The wild news you hear on TV and big stock market moves are all part of an ever changing world. It's tough to keep up with. Most stories just seems like random events.

However, it is important to identify big global changes that are occurring.

Question: Why does it matter? I mean..who cares...isn't that just an exercise in academics?

Answer: Not really. It does matter because when you have a global perspective you can act and benefit from it for yourself. You know the saying: 'Make the trend be your friend.'

It's equivalent to asking a sailor why he cares which way the wind is blowing. Or why a farmer cares what the temperature will be.

It matters because even in today's economic depression, trouble, and change there is a flip side to the coin. Fortunes can be made. People will find happiness. It boils down to a choice. Which side of the coin do you want to fall on? It is up to you.

The world is full of trends and changes. Some of these trends and changes occur on a small level. Some occur on a global scale. It is nearly impossible to identify all the trends and changes that are occurring around the world. However, I see THREE trends that will have a profound effect on young Americans.


We are living through a time of globalization. Globalization is the process by which markets integrate worldwide. Over the past 60 years, it has accelerated steadily as new technologies and management expertise have reduced transportation, transaction costs, tariff expenses along with other man made barriers in regards to international trade.

It can also be referred to as "the great leveling era." This is where the standard of living in Asia, Latin America and Africa rises, and where the standard of living in the developed nations decline as well as the standard of living in the West.

It's logical and it makes sense. The people who do more work for less money will compete with the people who produce less at much higher costs. Today, there is an increasing amount of manufacturing and production that is occurring outside of the United States and Europe. Today, the emerging markets account for almost half of global GDP. The consequences are obvious. Wealth is now flooding to the countries that are doing the producing while United States and Europe are at a standstill. In the West, the stress will be on the unions, the cost of living, the job opportunities, and our purchasing power.

The decline in the United States and Europe is compounded by their truly horrific debt. It’s not rocket science. Arithmetic is the same for a government as for the guy driving a Mercedes on a Volkswagen budget: Spending more than you make, let alone more than you will likely ever make, leads to ruin (Russell). The only difference is that it takes governments longer to get there. The crushing burdens of debt and low production is causing the standards in the west to decline.

If you are living in the West it is important to understand these changes and identify the opportunities that arise with this change. Not all is lost. There are opportunities. There is always a flip side to the coin. You must identify the right industry to get involved with. You must identify investments that have potential growth and secure your own monetary purchasing power.

It is impossible to know just how long this trend will last. What is possible is to identify the trend and position yourself or your company to benefit from this.


Fiat money is heading toward its intrinsic value. Fiat money is a currency system that has value only because of a government regulation or law. Today many currencies are based on a fiat system. Fiat money is political money. The defect with fiat money is the singular fact that central banks can create as much of it as they want at no cost in work, in sweat or creativity. The truth is that central banks are creating more and more money everyday around the world. The more you create of one item...the less it is worth.

Why should I work and be paid in a piece of paper that the government insists is money. I want to be paid with something that possesses value outside the government's pronouncement. That is the defect fiat money will always have.

It is said that given time, fiat money will move towards its intrinsic value, which, of course, is zero. This is the dreaded secret that the Fed does not want you to be aware of. To sum it up, fiat currency is a man-made product, and it is as safe as politicians are honest. Since politicians are not honest, I don't trust fiat money.

"A choice must be made between the natural stability of gold and the honesty and intelligence of the members of government -- with all due respect for these gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the system lasts, vote for gold." George Bernard Shaw.


A student loan bubble is being formed. The amount in student loans taken out last year crossed the $100 billion mark for the first time and total loans outstanding will exceed $1 trillion for the first time this year. Americans now owe more on student loans than on credit cards, reports the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Full-time undergraduate students borrowed an average $4,963 in 2010, up 63% from a decade earlier after adjusting for inflation.

The chart below show how far the cost of tuition has risen compared to other expenses.

Why is this happening? It boils down to incentives. The banks and Government sponsored entities issuing the loans know there is no risk in giving out the loan. Why is there no risk? There is no risk because these loans are backed by U.S. Government (aka Tax payer). Entities such as Sallie Mae or the Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFELP) are huge culprits in regard to these poor lending standards. 

The credit risk falls on young people who will start adult life deeper in debt, a burden that could place a drag on the economy in the future. It creates a generation of wage slavery. Young people working for years servicing debt.

There is now an increasing number of people attending colleges. A bachelors degree is actually losing its value because so many people are getting one. If a young American gets a bachelors degree, they are now just eligible to get a low starting position maybe earning a wage that can barely keep up with their growing debt. This is a huge reason why education is forming a bubble. The income one earns after they receive a bachelors degree is not keeping up with the rising cost of education.

Schools are serving lower-income students and offering courses online. The University of Phoenix, the nation's largest online school, got 88% of its revenue from federal programs last year, most of it from student loans.

The loans are issued from Government agencies or banks, then packaged up and turned into into ABS (asset backed securities) and sold off by investment banks.  These asset backed securities are sold throughout the world to hedge funds, banks, governments and private individuals. Many are rated AAA. These securities are going to have a high risk of default in the future due to continued high unemployment in U.S. To me it sounds very similar to how subprime mortgages were handled just a few years ago.

I warrant caution. Try to position yourself not to fall into the trap.

At times like this, it becomes difficult to keep things in perspective. But when emotions are running high, that’s exactly the time when you have to step back and remember to focus on the big picture and the major trends. There’s a lot of scary stuff coming out and the media is feeding on this. This is why we need to focus on the big picture.

The big picture allows you to see past the short term and benefit from the changing tide.

As the television and radio icon Dick Clark once said: "I don't set trends. I just find out what they are and exploit them."

Over and Out
T. Norman

Halloween is just about here and the local university is the hot spot to go if you're under the age of 21. The spot is UCSB and the neighborhood of Isla Vista is where the huge party takes place. UCSB has historically been one of the top 10 party schools in the nation. On Halloween weekend Isla Vista fills up with students dressed scantily and guzzling booze. What can I say? It's the place to be if you're 19 years old.

I am in the market for a new car. I am selling my old 1998 BMW. It's on the market for $3500.  I have looked at numerous cars and have decided that another BMW is the way to go. BMW's have great engines, excellent handling, and fantastic looks. That's why they call it the Ultimate Driving Machine.

So Gadhafi is dead. I have to say... the images surrounding his death are absolutely brutal. A disturbing scene. Gadhafi was the brutal dictator of Libya for 42 years. I knew there was only one way Gadhafi was going down... and that is in a gruesome fashion. Everything came full circle. He ruled with brutality and ultimately it came straight back at him.

Below are a couple jokes for our European friends:

-A Greek, an Irishman and a Portuguese go into a bar and order a drink. Who picks up the bill?

 A German.

And from the website of the German newspaper Deutsche Welle: There's a joke doing the rounds in Bratislava —

'For 400 euros you can adopt a Greek. He'll stay at your place, sleep late, drink coffee, have lunch and then take a nap, so you can go to work.'


Russell, R (2011) The Dow Theory Letters. La Jolla ,CA

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Make Money Work

"Nature, to be commanded, must be obeyed" - Francis Bacon

Welcome to The Golden Sense! Fall is here and it is time to get down to business. The economy is struggling and many people are operating as they did before the financial calamity of 2008. In American society the use of debt is pushed onto us all. Mortgages, student loans, and credit cards are all extremely common. In short, payments are a way of life.

We all need money. As I said in previous editions of The Golden Sense, our problem lies with our relationship to money. Most people spend most of their life working for money. This may seem obvious. Yet there is a flip side to that statement. One can take a different road and live a life where money works for them.

One of the most important lessons for living in the modern world is that to survive you've got to have money. But to live (survive) happily, you must have love, health (mental and physical), freedom, intellectual stimulation -- and money. (Russell)

The United States was once one of the wealthiest countries in the world. On any particular day, it is not uncommon to see a cluster of cars at a stop light that have an average value of $150,000 a piece. Lamborghini, Maserati, Ferrari, Bentley, and Rolls Royce – I’ve seen all of these. Now, occasionally, there may be an unbelievably wealthy person that paid cash for their ride, but most often, these cars are either leased or borrowed from the bank (making payments).

It’s pretty common (no matter where you live) to have a car payment, a mortgage payment, and a few other large-ticket payments (furniture, electronics, appliances etc.). Let's not forget about consumer spending on the credit card – food, clothing, and gifts. (Passive Family Income)

Most young people live pay check to pay check. Many have limited savings, if any. It's well known that we live in society of instant gratification. Living in modern America it is easy to over spend and have more going out than what is coming in (expenses are larger than the income).

Let’s say we’re short $100 every month. This is not unrealistic. It is easy to fall into this lifestyle. Lets say that this extra $100 gets added to our credit card at a 15% interest rate. A year goes by. Now we are $1,200 in the hole, and after interest, it equates to just over $1,300 on our credit card. That doesn’t sound so bad right? But what if we continued down this road? It’s time to see what compound interest can really do to you if you’re on the wrong end.

 If you let the negative cycle continue, and you are $100 short every month for 15 years, you would expect to owe somewhere around $18,000 ($1,200*15). But remember, you are paying interest to the credit card company. Instead of $18,000, you actually owe $67,686.31!!

That is alot of money to be paying out to a credit card company. For all the good times and "must haves" over the years you end up with nothing more than debt and nothing to show for it. Going into debt is generally a bad idea. It amounts to living out of anticipated future revenues – which may not even be there. What it comes down to is that we want to avoid being in that situation. Remember, we want to get on the other side of the coin and have our money work for us and find financial freedom.

How do we even start down that road? Sell some valuables, get rid of a payment, and put the extra money into savings for an emergency. If you continue to save, you’ll soon find yourself on the positive end of compound interest.

Instead of using credit or loans to pay for consumable goods, save up and use cash. That way you enjoy your purchase without worrying about paying for it later. Sacrifice short term pain for long term gain. Consumable goods do not appreciate in value. In fact, most items depreciate soon after you use them.

Imagine using interest rates to your advantage? Compounding is the royal road to riches. Compounding is the safe road, the sure road, and fortunately, anybody can do it. To compound successfully you need the following:  perseverance in order to keep you firmly on the savings path. You need intelligence in order to understand what you are doing and why. And you need a knowledge of the mathematics tables in order to comprehend the amazing rewards that will come to you if you faithfully follow the compounding road. And, of course, you need time, time to allow the power of compounding to work for you. Remember, compounding only works through time. (Russell)

Lets say you faithfully contributed $2,000 every year until the age of 65 (at the theoretical 10% rate).

At the age of 65 you would have $973,704! Investor "B" only contributes in the beginning. He uses time to his advantage and ends up with $944,641. It’s pretty clear which end of the compound interest principle you want to be on. The first step toward the winners’ circle is to pay off your existing debts. Even if you’re already having trouble making ends meet, a mere $1 addition to a minimum payment can significantly shorten the life of that loan. That’s right, just one dollar. You won’t miss it and it would be well worth it. Remember the compounding effect. And once you’re out of debt, there’s no minimum for earning compound interest. Any sum that you can set aside will do. You don’t need to be Donald Trump or Bill Gates in order to benefit from compound interest. (Russell)

If, from the beginning of adulthood, you had adopt a strict policy of never spending more than you make, if you take extra savings and compound it in intelligent, income-producing securities, then in due time your  money will come in daily, weekly, monthly, just like a rich man. You'll become a financial winner, while others continue to struggle and complain.

Okay Todd...get back to reality. Aren't 10% interest rates a thing of the past?

Yes they are. However, interest rates change and they will not be low forever. I see two options in regards to accumulating wealth by the method of saving.

1. Use the compound interest method. Make your money work for you.

2.  Save money and accumulate something that retains its value compared to all financial instruments. Your best bet with this option is to buy (physical) gold. At any point in history, an individual who owns a large quantity of, was, and always will be wealthy.

In conclusion, acquiring wealth is possible. It just depends on the road you choose.

Over and out,

T. Norman

Recently, the markets have been in turmoil. There is a lot of news and forecasts out there. I decided to do this Golden Sense on something that had nothing to do with recent news. The reason being is that young adults have little power over what is going on. The most important thing to do is to focus on what one can do for themselves and leave all the hysteria to the people who just want to talk. Lately, stock market averages have plunged. Gold has been a talking point. Many 'know nothing' analysts have called tops and bottoms in particular markets. I think it is important to keep things in perspective. Lets look at year to date returns.

                                                             Year to Date Return (Morningstar as of 9/26/11)

Dow Jones Industrial Average  (DIA)     -3.1%

S&P 500 Index                                    -6.16%

Gold (GLD)                                           13.6%

Silver (SLV)                                         -1.37%

Oil     (OIH)                                         -4.19%

We just went to the happiest place in the world. Also known as Disneyland! I hadn't been in about a decade. Rebecca had never been. Disneyland is fun place, except for all of the people! The crowds are relentless and it is very tiring to wade through thousands of people all day long. In short, we had fun. I look forward to going again in about another 10 years.

Recently, I have been doing a decent amount of driving up and down the coast. I have noticed that the waves are picking up. Fall is good time to surf in Central California. The swells pick up and the water is not completely freezing. I even found myself out surfing a couple weeks ago. Besides the occasional fun ride, surfing is good for the soul.

As Tom Curren says, "surfing is a special kind of madness".


Russell, R (2011) The Dow Theory Letters. La Jolla ,CA

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

America's Greatest Fraud

"Give me control of a nations money...and it wont matter who leads the nation."

Welcome to The Golden Sense! It is mid August and there is no shortage of news in today's world. Fingers are pointed everywhere and confusion reigns supreme. Being young or old...this whole economy and financial world is hard to understand. The brightest men in the world cannot agree on what is going on in market. Most average folks give up or some will believe anything in order to make sense of it all.

This edition of  The Golden Sense is probably the most important in regards to subject matter. If you thought that economics, finance and world trends were confusing then I am sure that recent activities in the world have your head spinning. The stock, bond, and commodity markets are all swinging wildly. Big moves happen everyday. Unemployment is extremely high, and political tensions are growing throughout the world.

If we really want to dissect the problems in today's world, then we have to cut through the crap and look at what truly makes the world go around.

What is that? Well you know the saying...

"money rules the world"

Question: Who is responsible for our monetary system?

Answer: This organization is called The Federal Reserve. They control the United States banking and monetary system.

What I want to talk about is the central fallacy in the Federal Reserve. This fallacy is that The Federal Reserve acts as "the lender of last resort".

The Fed is hardly ever mentioned in connection with an economic crisis, except perhaps as our savior. Major newspapers, magazines, and websites attempt to dissect the crisis and identify its causes without mentioning the Fed at all. That's nothing new: there has been no serious discussion of the Federal Reserve in the public realm since its creation, nearly one hundred years ago. Most people do not even know what the Federal Reserve does.

If asked, most people could hardly give you any history or facts about the Federal Reserve System. Go ask any stranger walking down the street and you will probably get a blank stare.

To understand the key fallacy, we must relate it to our own lives. Have you ever ran up a credit card bill? Took out mortgage on a house that was too big for you to handle? Have you ever used your debit card too much over the weekend, only to see your bank account go negative? I'm sure most people are aware of one or more of these scenarios. Being in any of these situations is a place you DON'T want to be.

What do you do if you have a credit card bill that is too high? Who can help you cover up your financial problems? Where does your help come from? The answer?

-Nobody. You're held responsible and that's the way it should be.

Regular folks don't have anybody they can turn to in the case that they are financially reckless. This is normal. However, when large corporations, banks, or our Government act in a way that is financially reckless guess who they turn to? Well, it is "the lender of last resort" - the Federal Reserve.
Lets take a look at The Federal Reserve and their respective track record. By doing this, we will be able to draw some conclusions about today's economy.

So how did the Federal Reserve get started?

The idea and formation of the Federal Reserve System started in 1910 at a secret meeting at J.P Morgan's private resort on Jekyll Island off the coast of Georgia. Those who attended represented the great financial institutions of Wall Street. They emerged as a cartel with an agreement of six objectives:

1.Stop the competition from the nation's newer banks.
2.Obtain a franchise to create money out of nothing for the purpose of lending.
3.Get control of all bank reserves and stop any bank-runs on banks who had lent recklessly .
4.Get the taxpayer to pick up the cartel's inevitable losses.
5.Convince congress that the purpose was to protect the public.
6. Act as a 'lender of last resort'

On a snowy night two days before Christmas (December 23rd 1913) the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law. The Federal Reserve system has 12 regional banks throughout the United States. The Federal Reserve issues the currency in our country known as the U.S. Dollar. Although national monetary events may appear mysterious and chaotic, they are governed by well established rules which bankers and politicians rigidly follow. The central fact to understanding these events is that all the money in the banking system has been created out of nothing through the process of making loans.

Have you ever heard the phrase"all power corrupts"?

The power of creating money from nothing happens when the Federal Reserve becomes the "the lender of last resort". Lets look at how this power has been used.

The game is called "bailout" and the Fed orchestrates loans using money created out of nothing. The tax payer picks up the check through the silent tax of inflation which comes from the increase in money supply which the Fed issues. (Taxpayers take the hit through higher prices).

Let's check out a couple of examples:

1970- Penn Central railroad became bankrupt. The Federal Reserve bailed them out through the use of Government subsidies and bank loans. Congress was told that the collapse of Penn Central would be devastating to the public interest. So congress acted and a $125 million bailout was complete. Penn Central became AMTRAK and continues today to operate at a loss.

1972- Commonwealth Bank of Detroit was given a $1.5 billion dollar bailout due to bad lending practices.

1975- New York City essentially became bankrupt due to its extravagant bureaucracy and miniature welfare state. Congress was told that the public would be jeopardized if city services were curtailed. A $2.3 billion bailout ensued.

1978- Chrysler was on the verge of bankruptcy. Congress was informed that the public would suffer greatly if the company folded. A $1.5 billion bailout was made available.

1979- First Pennsylvania Bank almost failed. A $1 billion line of credit and hundreds of millions of dollars were created to save this bank. Of was in the interest of public good.

1982- Chicago Continental Illinois became insolvent. $4.5 billion in bad loans were covered up. The bank essentially became nationalized.

All of the bailouts of previous years are pale by the comparison to the TRILLIONS of dollars pumped into the banks in 2008 in response to subprime meltdown. This huge amount of money does not come from the Government or the Federal Reserve. It comes from the American consumers (you and me) in the form of higher prices. Of course, these bailouts were made because they convinced Congress the public would suffer if nothing was done.

All of the money to accomplish these bailouts was made possible by the Federal Reserve System acting as the "lender of last resort". That was the purpose for which it was created.  We must not forget that the phrase "lender of last resort" means that money is created out of nothing, resulting in the confiscation of our nation's wealth though the hidden tax of inflation. The problem is that inflation is subtle and regular folks do not notice it. The Federal Reserve is basically our elephant in the living room. Everybody pretends it's not there.

Let's put it this way: A dollar in 1913 would be worth 5 cents today. The dollar has lost 95% of its purchasing power since the Federal Reserve was created.

The Fed's policy of intervening in the economy to push interest rates lower than the market would have set them, was the single greatest contributor to the crisis that continues to unfold before us. Making cheap credit available for the asking encourages excessive leverage, speculation, and indebtedness. Being a lender of last resort for the past 100 years has massively increased the money supply and set our economy off balance. The Fed manipulates interest rates and thereby misleads investors about real economic conditions, which does in fact misdirect capital into unsustainable lines of production and discombobulate the market. (Woods)

Take a look at how our U.S. dollar has fared against other currencies around the world. As the blue line heads means that the U.S. dollar is worth less compared to six other major currencies in the world. Not a pretty picture.

Lets take a look at the U.S. dollar priced in gold. As this chart heads higher, it shows that the U.S. dollar is losing value. Again...not a pretty picture...unless you are invested in gold.

10 year gold price per ounce

Time and time again throughout the past century the Federal Reserve has intervened into the economy with generous bailouts, bad lending practices and manipulated interest rates. These practices have created an economy that is severely unbalanced. Today, the wild stock market supports this notion. Rising gold is a sign that something is seriously wrong with our currency.

We expect our monetary system to be stable. We expect that the money we work for today will be worth the same amount tomorrow.

Definition: fraud is an intentional deception made for personal gain or to damage another individual.

Being a lender of last resort and creating money for the sole benefit of bankers, governments, or "special" corporations and consequently diminishing the wealth of all other American citizens is a form of fraud.

I don't know about you, but I think it's time to stand up and acknowledge the elephant in the living room.

When I read the quote below it makes me smile. Our founding fathers actually knew better.

"The central bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the Principles and form of our Constitution. I am an Enemy to all banks discounting bills or notes for anything but Coin. If the American People allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the People of all their Property until their Children will wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered." (Thomas Jefferson)


T. Norman

A new season of The Jersey Shore has started. The cast is in Florence, Italy. They are up to the same ol shenanigans... and I like it. Recently, Abercrombie and Fitch offered Mike 'the situation' a non-endorsement deal. They want to pay him to NOT wear their clothes!!! It's incredible. I see Abercrombie and Fitch as a failing company. Their marketing is poor and they consistently try to sell clothes with their huge brand name written all over them. Styles have changed. This is a sign that they have failed to adapt to the changing retail market. Not to mention....Mike 'the situation' wears their clothes. Say no more.

Hugo Chavez just recently nationalized the Gold industry in Venezuela. The government took control of all mining operations.
When this happens- you know your country's Government is corrupt and looking to retain power. You know the old rule: "He who owns the gold makes the rules".

Robbie Kean, the all time record goal scorer for Ireland's national soccer team has joined the LA Galaxy. He lined up alongside David Beckham and Landon Donavon in his first game. Of course, he scored within 20 minutes. Not bad.

Robbie loves his futbol... but LA also has birds, booze, and sunshine.

 It's an Irishman's dream!


Griffin, E. (2008) The Creature from Jekyll Island. American Media. Westlake, CA

Woods, T (2009) Meltdown. Regnery Publishing, Inc. Washington DC.

Monday, July 25, 2011

What is the Biggest Market in the World?

What is the biggest market in the world?

Is it the stock market? The bond market? The retail market on Rodeo Drive in LA?

Answer: The Foreign Currency Exchange Market! It is known as 'Forex' and some $4 trillion is traded each day! This dwarfs any other market in the world.

Welcome to The Golden Sense! Summer is getting hot and I am trying to get some sun. It takes time and dedication...especially when you're cooped up inside 5 days a week. Anyways, I hope that wherever you are reading this the weather is treating you well, as it is for me here in California.

Have you ever received a check from a relative outside the country? Perhaps an uncle from Canada? So you get this check and take it to the bank. The amount on the check reads "one thousand." The teller deposits your check. A couple days later you go online to check your account and you see that the check deposited for one thousand is showing up as $1052! Did the bank make a mistake? You call up Mr. Banker and the poor harassed soul tells you that the check deposited was Canadian and the exchange rate was 1.052. You say "OK" and you hang up the phone and ponder a bit. The next day you go online and look at the Canadian to US dollar 'exchange rate'. To your astonishment the exchange rate is now reading at 1.04. Now...that is different from what Mr. banker told you?

So whats with this exchange rate? Can someone benefit from this? I's all Greek to me! Here is the definition: A foreign exchange rate is the relative value between two currencies. In particular, the exchange rate is the quantity of one currency required to buy or sell one unit of the other currency.

So the next time you're in London and you see your favorite 6-pack of Budweiser selling for 8 English Pounds, look at the exchange rate! If the exchange rate of US Dollars to English Pounds is at 1.62, then that darn 6-pack of Budweiser is actually selling for close to $13! Yikes. Better settle for a pint of Fullers.

Currency exchange rates change by the minute 24 hours a day 7 days a week. It can be fast and mind boggling. These exchange rates change for a multitude of reasons.

The underlying reason why currency exchange rates change is due to supply and demand. A currency will tend to become more valuable when demand for it is greater than the available supply. It will become less valuable when demand is less than available supply (this does not mean people no longer want money, it just means they prefer holding their wealth in some other form, possibly another currency). Exchange rates will change whenever the value of either of the two given currencies change.

Basically, currencies trade in pairs, with investors buying one currency and selling another at the same time. The U.S. Dollar/Yen and Euro/U.S. dollar are two of the most popular trading pairs; other popular ones include the British pound, Swiss franc and the Canadian and Australian dollars.

Yes, there is a way to benefit from changes in exchange rates.

Want to know what a successful currency trade looks like?

 Lets say you get onto an online trading platform and buy 1000 Aussie dollars at the rate of 1.04. This will cost you $1040 US dollars. You wait one week and the exchange rate changes from 1.04 to 1.07! At this point you sell your Aussie dollars by converting it back into US dollars. At the exchange rate of 1.07 you now have $1070 US dollars. You pocket the difference of $30 without having to do any hard work what so ever. Amazing right? Not really. It is rarely this easy.

Most advisors do not recommend currency trading. However, if you want to give it a try, it's easy to do so.

Online platforms such as ForEx Pro allow you to start up an account with only a few hundred dollars. On ForEX Pro they allow you to have a practice account where they give you fake money (simulated account) and trade with it on real time price changes. This allows you to get comfortable and gain experience. Upstart online platforms like Oanda Corp. and Forex Capital Markets' FXCM are capturing much of the retail sector with smaller balance requirements, tighter trading spreads and low fees. A customer can open an account at Oanda with just a $1 balance, for example, while Citi FX Pro requires a minimum balance of $10,000.

Forex's frenetic pace can be brutal to rookies and sophisticates alike. Managing proper trade sizes and rapid price movements—all while using "leverage," or borrowed money, to amp up bets—can be devilishly difficult; one bad trade can blow up an entire account. On the other hand making one decent trade can make you some good money.

Here are some aspects that pro's look for when trading currencies:

1. Supply and Demand of a particular currency.
2. Long term chart trends (technical analysis)
3. Future inflation rates.
4. Interest rate levels and central banking policy of a particular country.
5. A countries political stability.

It comes down to this: Do not try currency trading until you have practiced with a simulated account, you understand global monetary trends, and you have an extra buck to learn about something new. If you just 'jump' into currency trading you will most likely lose money. It is best to follow Warren Buffet's advice. "Rule No.1: Never lose money. Rule No.2: Never forget rule No.1."

The Best to You~
T. Norman

There was great interest in the U.S. Women's National Soccer Team in the recent Women's World Cup. Our girls made it to the final! They battled Japan with some thrilling end-to-end soccer. The US women had countless opportunities, but kept allowing Japan back into the match. The match ended 2-2. Japan were eventually victorious in the penalty shootout. Congrats to Japan for the victory. It was a good lesson for all of the soccer fans in the USA...we must learn that in soccer it's not about creating chances, it's about finishing your chances.

It is reported that Kim Kardashian is suing Old Navy for using a model that looks like her.. (possibly violating publicity rights?) Apparently Old Navy hired an actress that looks like Kim and featured her in a television ad campaign.  If you're waiting for a follow up including some kind of long list of Kardashian-related things the actress did in the video, or  some kind of hinting that Old Navy themselves did to portray a Kim-like image, there isn't any. She just looks like Kim Kardashian, which apparently is enough to sue over? Crazy! So if you resemble Kim Kardashian you wont be able to get any acting or modeling jobs. Hmm.... I think Kris Jenner might be behind all of this.

What does the future hold for the Kardashians?


An old man sat outside the walls of a great city. When travelers approached, they would ask the old man, "What kind of people live in this city?" The old man would answer, "What kind of people live in the place where you came from?" If the travelers answered, "Only bad people live in the place where we came from," the old man would reply, "Continue on; you will find only bad people here."

But if the travelers answered, "Good people live in the place where we came from," then the old man would say, "Enter, for here too, you will find only good people."

A Yiddish Folk Tale "Good People"

Bernard, S. (2011) Is Currency Trading Worth the Risk? The Wall Street Journal.

Disclaimer: The content of this article is provided without any warranty, expressed or implied. All opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and may contain errors or omissions.
No material here constitutes "investment advice" nor is it a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument, including but not limited to stocks, options, bonds or futures.