Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Setting up Flags

"Man is the only animal that is able, within definite limits, to adjust his environment purposely to suit him better."

-Ludwig Von Mises

Welcome to The Golden Sense! Setting up flags is a term that comes from the military. A flag represents either a safe place, a place to store resources, or offers a different tactical position. For centuries armies and nations have jostled for 'flag' positions throughout the world. This tactical strategy is not solely for the military. Individuals should use it in their personal life as well.

The world is a volatile place. War, economic turmoil, political repression, taxation, spying, monopolies, fraud and theft are very common occurrences in the world.

If you are honest with yourself, you will admit that these occurrences are the norm throughout history while peace and prosperity are much rarer. A huge mistake many people make is that they ignore all of this and think none of this will ever affect them. With transportation and communication as good as it is, you can internationalize yourself and set up your own flags. This is the smart thing to do for any free-thinking person. No longer are people planted to one region for their entire life; they can find prosperity by setting up flags all over the globe. The great thing is, you don't have to be rich to do it either.

The idea behind setting up flags is to globalize yourself so you are not restricted to one country, one economy, and one political regime. If you set up your flags properly, you can truly be a sovereign man where the sky is the limit. This idea of becoming a "Sovereign Man" was created by Simon Black of

I have a friend who has been setting up flags all over the globe. She doesn't even realize she is doing it. It is just part of her curiosity. She is chef by trade. After college she travelled the world. She traveled through Africa, Asia, Europe, and South America. She now has connections from Sweden to Paris to Puerto Rico and beyond. Not only does she have connections but she has also worked in multiple countries as a chef. She now lives in Los Angeles. She is by no means rich, but she does have a profession that has international appeal. Her father is French, so she has secured dual citizenship. Now that she has worldwide connections and dual citizenship she can focus on building her wealth and actively diversifying it. Having these connections and flexibility will allow her to always have somewhere to go and somewhere to prosper.

Flags can represent a wide variety of things. The best kinds of flags are the following:
  • Friends and Connections in other countries
  • Job Opportunities
  • Dual Citizenship
  • Foreign Residency
  • Foreign Bank Accounts (FBAR filing required)
  • Gold Storage (FBAR filing required)
  • Foreign Real Estate
  • Foreign Stocks

Setting up flags doesn't occur over night. It takes time, travel and research. You will want to set up a wide range of flags. Some flags will cost money and others will be free. It is a building process and not an event that occurs overnight.

By traveling as much as possible and networking you can make friends and connections worldwide. With the Internet, you can keep in touch and exchange ideas with your foreign friends. This is incredibly important as you never know when an amazing opportunity might arise.

Opening a foreign bank account or a gold storage account can be done from home. It really isn't that hard as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection. Of course, it is important to do the necessary research before committing funds to any institution. Check as many alternatives as possible and seek professional advice. Reporting requirements can be strict and you are usually required to send an FBAR form to the U.S. treasury on an annual basis. The benefits are huge as it is very important to keep money outside of the United States. Foreign bank accounts offer you political diversification while foreign stocks can offer great growth opportunities. This is incredibly important because whenever a government descends into bankruptcy one of the first things it does is confiscate its own citizen's wealth through capital controls and inflation. Many Russians never thought their country would go bankrupt. Either did the Greeks, Argentinians or the citizens of Cyprus. How about the Germans in the 1920's? Historically, the list of countries going bankrupt is extremely long. Just like these people, many Americans today have the same mindset. Foreign accounts can provide an escape valve for you.

The United States is the most diverse country in the world and many people have parents that were born in other countries. Make this diversity an asset by applying for citizenship of the country your parents are from.

There are also dealers out there that can help you purchase citizenship to welcoming countries. Check out or to find out how to go about this. Residency can also be obtained quite easily in countries like Panama or Costa Rica. Having dual citizenship or residency in a foreign country opens up multiple doors for you. By having this you can work in another country with a different economy and a different set of laws. This is the most valuable asset you can ever give yourself. Why would you want to be restricted to one country when there is a whole world of opportunities out there?

Purchasing foreign real estate is another alternative. Of course, this usually takes a larger sum of money. Purchasing foreign real estate makes it easy to apply for residency or citizenship and offers you a great alternative place to live. Make your purchase a vacation rental, which allows you to turn an asset with expenses into an asset that produces an income. There are many alternatives in the world with some real estate markets over valued and some undervalued.

You don't have to be a banker or an international chef in order to set up flags worldwide.  It doesn't matter if you are a dental hygienist, a pharmacy technician, a babysitter or a computer programmer. With a little motivation anyone can do it. This is a mandatory strategy to take if you are serious about securing and growing your wealth. With every flag you set, another door of opportunity is opened.


T. Norman

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